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SBA Loans to Grow your Small Business

 The Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program was created in 1958 with the passage of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958. Licensed by the Small Business Administration (SBA), SBICs are privately organized and privately managed investment firms that provide venture capital to small independent businesses.

These loans, which are available both to new and established businesses, consist of funds borrowed (at favorable rates) from the U.S. government or from the lending institutions' own capital stock. In essence, an SBIC uses its own capital, combined with funds borrowed from investors and supported by an SBA guarantee, to make investments in qualifying small businesses.

The SBIC program is designed to assure that there are institutions within the marketplace able and willing to facilitate the capital needs of a vibrant small business community


SBA Loans

Corporate Trust Fund Makes
Getting SBA Loans Fast & Easy!

 Get an SBA Loan Fast. At a Low-Interest Rate. Pay Over 10 Years.

A traditional SBA loan application can take 60-120 days to close. SBA Marketplace loans close quickly. That can be a life-saver if you need funding to get over a hump. 


What else could you do with a new infusion of cash, right now?


  • Pay off an existing balance with a higher interest rate.

  • Remodel or expand your facilities

  • Add inventory

  • Add staff

  • Move forward with side-lined business initiatives – product development, marketing campaigns, etc.


Traditional Small Business Administration loans have low interest rates. SBA Marketplace loans increase your cash flow long term, thanks to the very low APR and 10-25 year payback.


SBA Loan Rates – Current Interest Rates and How They Work

There are three primary types of SBA loans: SBA 7A Loans, SBA Express Loans, and CDC/504 Loans. SBA 7A loans and SBA Express loans can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including growth capital and refinancing.


CDC/504 loans, on the other hand, are specifically for the purchase of fixed assets like real estate and heavy machinery.

September 2018 Maximum interest rates on SBA 7A Loans range from 7.25% to 9.75%. Full Table


September 2018 Maximum interest rates for the CDC portion of CDC/504 Loans currently range from 4.85% to 5.08% including fees.


Before reading further, make sure you are qualified.


Though there are exceptions, and startups are sometimes eligible, there are five general requirements for getting an SBA loan:


  • In business at least 2 years

  • Personal credit score is 580+ 

  • Seeking at least $30,000

  • At least $100,000 in revenues for the past 12 months

  • Business is profitable

  • Collateral 

Sounds like you?


Well qualified borrowers can get pre-qualified for up to $350K of SBA financing online in minutes. Our preferred SBA loan provider has a streamlined SBA loan process that funds businesses in as little as one week.



Current SBA (7A) Loan Interest Rates and Explanation
The Small Business Administration (SBA) sets the maximum interest rates that banks can charge on 7A loans. The current maximum interest rate ranges from 7.25% –  9.75%, depending on the size of the loan and the amount being borrowed.

The maximum interest rates on SBA 7A loans are also based on market interest rates. As market interest rates change, so will the maximum interest rates on these loans.

Maximum Interest Rates on SBA 7A Loans for September 2018 Loan Size:

Standard 7a (Repayment Term Less Than 7 Years)
Standard 7a (Repayment Term 7 Years or Greater)
Less Than $25K
9.25% (5.00% base rate + 4.25% markup)
9.75% (5.00% base rate + 4.75% markup)
$25k – 50K
8.25% (5.00% base rate + 3.25% markup)
8.75% (5.00% base rate + 3.75% markup)
Over $50K
7.25% (5.00% base rate + 2.25% markup)
7.75% (5.00% base rate + 2.75% markup)


If you’ve been in business for 2+ years, have a credit score of 680+, and have gross annual revenues of at least $100K, you may qualify for SBA financing with our preferred SBA loan provider.



Detailed SBA 7(a) Interest Rate Explanation* Please note SBA 7A Express loans carry a higher interest rate for similar size amounts and terms than the standard 7A loans above.


As the table above shows, the  maximum interest rate on SBA 7(a) loans is based on three factors:


A base rate (one of the following publicly available interest rate measures): Prime Rate,  LIBOR (one month) + 3.0%, or SBA Peg Rate

The term of the loan: Less than 7 years or greater than 7 years.  For example, 3 and 5 year loans would all fall into the same category of under 7 years.


The size of the loan: Under $25,000, $25,000 to $49,999, and over $50,000. For example, loans of $30,000 and $45,000 will fall under the same category.


As the table shows, loans longer than 7 years have a maximum interest rate which is half a percent higher than similar size loans that are for terms that are less than 7 years.


Loans for more than $50,000 have 1% lower maximum interest rates than loans between $25,000 and $49,999 when taken for similar terms. Similarly, loans for $25,000 to $49,999 have 1% lower maximum interest rates than loans for less than $25,000.



Fixed vs. Variable SBA Interest Rates
7A loans can have a fixed or variable interest rate.  With a fixed rate loan, the loan interest rate remains constant throughout the life of the loan. With a variable rate loan, the loan’s interest rate can change (often referred to as a reset) at regular intervals, such as quarterly or monthly.


With variable rate SBA 7A loans, the rate is reset based on one of three publicly available market interest rate numbers, plus a fixed percentage. The interest rate must always be at or below the maximum interest rate set by the SBA. For smaller size SBA loans (for example those under $500,000), banks tend to offer only variable rate loans, with interest rates at or close to the maximum allowable by the SBA.

The Base Rate And Interest Rate Resets


Banks can choose one of three market interest rate measures as their base rate. These are the prime rate, LIBOR + 3.0%, or the SBA peg rate. While there are small differences between these rates, they tend to track each other very closely. The prime rate is the one that’s most commonly used.


Rates as of September 1, 2018:

Prime Rate: 5.00% (source: WSJ)
LIBOR: (one month) + 3.0%: 5.07% (source: Bankrate)
SBA PEG Rate: 2.88% (source: National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders)


These rates can go up or down based on market conditions. Currently, they remain at decade-low levels.


Over the last 10 years, the Prime Rate has been as high as 8.25%.

With a variable rate SBA 7A Loan, as market interest rates rise so will the rate on the loan. Let’s take the example of a 10-year loan for $50,000 with interest rates rising by 2%.The maximum interest rate on the loan currently would be 9.75%, with a monthly payment of $654 per month. With a 2% rise in interest rates upon the interest rate reset, the rate would be 11.75%, with a monthly payment of $710 (this would be the monthly increase for a newly issued loan. If the loan was older, the increase in monthly payment would be lower).


Interest Rates Are Not The Only Costs To Borrowing Money:  APR/APY


When taking a loan, there is often an origination fee. This fee supposedly covers the costs of the bank or financial institution of making the loan, including marketing costs. However, the origination fee is not directly based on costs and is arbitrarily set by the financial institution. An origination fee of 4% is not unusual. The fee is typically taken “off the top”. For example, a borrower taking a $50,000 SBA loan with a 4% origination fee would only receive $48,000.

SBA 7(a) loans also have a guarantee fee. Initially, the lender pays this fee to the SBA, but it’s almost always passed on to the borrower at closing.


The fee typically ranges from 3% to 3.5% of the guaranteed portion of the loan. The exact percentage depends on the size of the loan and the length of the loan. For example, if a borrower takes a $250,000 10-year 7a loan, the SBA may guarantee 75% of that, or $187,500. 3 percent of that amount, or $5,625, is the guarantee fee that will be charged to the borrower. 


The true cost of borrowing money (interest rate + fees) is often called the APY (Annual Percentage Yield) or APR (Annual Percentage Rate). On a ten year SBA loan, the effect of fees can create an APR or APY that is around 1% higher than the loan’s interest rate. The shorter the loan the bigger the impact that fees will have on the APY/APR.


What size SBA loan could you qualify for?

The Small Business Administration (SBA) sets the maximum interest that banks can charge on CDC/504 loans. The current maximum interest rate ranges from 4.85% to 5.08%, depending on the size of the loan and the amount being borrowed.


The maximum interest rates on CDC/504 loans are also based on market interest rates. As market interest rates change, so will the maximum interest rates on these loans.


While a 7A SBA Loan can be used to purchase real estate, a Real CDC/504 Loan will tend to provide borrowers with tremendous interest rate savings. A CDC / 504 loan is composed of two loans:

A loan from a financial institution (bank) for typically 50% of the price of the property, equipment, and building upgrades. A loan from a Certified Development Company (a non-profit) for 40% of the price.
The remaining 10 % is a down payment from the borrower. The interest rates on the bank portion of the loan are not set by the SBA. However, the interest rates on these loans tend to be very low, currently in the mid-single digits. Because the bank loan is senior to the CDC loan and the loan is backed by real-estate, there is a low risk that the bank will not be able to get back the money it loans. The low-risk is reflected in the low-interest rates.

The maximum interest rate on the CDC portion of the loan is set by the SBA.


September 2018 Maximum Interest Rates CDC Loan (Using Treasury Rates for September 4, 2018)


  • Term of Loan

  • Treasury Rate

  • Fixed Rate

  • Ongoing Fees

  • Maximum Interest Rate

  • 10 Years

  • 5 Year Treasury (Currently 2.77%)

  • 0.38%

  • 1.7% (approximate)

  • 4.85% (2.77% 5 Year Treasury rate + 0.38% fixed rate + 1.7% ongoing fees)

  • 20 Years

  • 10 Year Treasury (Currently 2.90%)

  • 0.48%

  • 1.7% (approximate)

  • 5.08% (2.90% 10 year treasury rate + 0.48% fixed rate + 1.7% ongoing fees)


A ten year CDC/504 loan will have an interest rate which combines the current 5 year treasury rate, a fixed rate of 0.38%, and 1.7% in annual fees. As the table shows, the interest rates are based on the length of the loan:


A twenty year CDC/504 loan will have an interest rate which combines the current 10 year treasury rate, a fixed rate of 0.48%, and 1.7% in annual fees.


Unlike a 7A loan, the loan rates for the CDC portions of an SBA 504 loan are fixed for the life of the loan and will not go up or down. The portion of the loan provided by the bank, credit union, or non-bank lender does not need to be fixed (it may have a variable rate, a balloon payment, etc.).


How Do SBA Rates Compare To Interest Rates On Normal Commercial Loans?

This is a trick question. In theory, if you can get approved for conventional commercial bank financing, the banking institution is not supposed to submit your application for an SBA loan. However, in general, banks are not interested in making loans of under $300,000 to small businesses.


The portion of business loans which banks make that are under $1 million dollars has been shrinking for decades. The SBA guarantee against non-payment makes these loans less risky and potentially more profitable for banks. Without an SBA guarantee, these loans would probably not be financed at all.


SBA Marketplace Loan Requirements

These loans are available to all types of small businesses that meet the following criteria:

  • Corporation or LLC 

  • In business at least 2 years

  • No recent bankruptcies or open judgments

  • FICO score of 580+

  • Net profitable companies

Call and speak to one of our friendly staff members today at 954-300-3907 or email us at to find out more about our SBA Programs.

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